Are you looking for a Japanese class after completing your beginner's course?

Then, we are for you!
Our classes are great for pre-intermediates who just finished their begginner's.
Lunch with Japanese Language Teachers
Mayumi Sensei and Chie Sensei will have lunch at the Wegman's food court in Fairfax on October 19th and everyone is welcome to join!
You may try your Japanese conversational skill or ask questions you may have about Japanese study/trip/culture.
Date: October 19th, Friday
Time: 12:00-2:00pm
Location: Wegman's Fairfax, food court upstairs
You can join us with/without your lunch!
The Fall Meetup Event became
a tea tasting event!
Do you know the differences between Matcha, Ryokucha, Genmaicha, Fukamushicha, and Mugicha? It was very interesting to compare those teas over Japanese sweets such as Osenbei and Kasutera. We are thinking to do this again at the next event with more variety of Japanese teas!

I love nukazuke pickles. I have my own nukadoko, and yes I do mix and turn it every single day! If you're a pickles lover, please try this. It requires a good maintenance but totally worth it!
Are you looking for a beginner's class?
We are pleased to assist you in finding a beginner's classes in Fairfax area. Please send us an email for more information.