Animal Crossing Pocket Camp is now available!
Animal Crossing lovers! It is finally here. I mean to your mobile. This game is not only for kids. My daughter loved it when she was 10...
Japanese Train Leaves 20 Seconds Early. Cue the Abject Apologies.
Here is a good example of preciseness-matters Japanese culture. The article of New York Times on Nov. 16th.
Duolingo added Japanese!
Duolingo is the language learning app which I like the most among thousands of others. I have been waiting for them to add Japanese for...
Castle in the Sky-天空の城ラピュタ
Japan Information & Culture Center, Embassy of Japan will hold a movie event on Friday, Nov. 17th. This is the most favorite Hayao...
"business smile"
Thanks to my daughter's employee card, I saved $27 for today's grocery. I am a proud and grateful mother of hard working college student....