Duolingo added Japanese!
Duolingo is the language learning app which I like the most among thousands of others. I have been waiting for them to add Japanese for...
Castle in the Sky-天空の城ラピュタ
Japan Information & Culture Center, Embassy of Japan will hold a movie event on Friday, Nov. 17th. This is the most favorite Hayao...
"business smile"
Thanks to my daughter's employee card, I saved $27 for today's grocery. I am a proud and grateful mother of hard working college student....
Japan the Washlet Country
Toto is the Japanese bathroom products manufacturer especially known for its state-of- the-art toilet seat. If you have used it before,...

Tetsuko the fast talker
Tetsuko Kuroyanagi is a 84 years old famous talk show host in Japan. Her show, "Testuko no heya" was the first talk show starting in 1976...
Today's quote
❝You can never understand one language until you understand at least two.❞ Geoffrey Willans
Sushi Fest at Wegman's Fairfax
Speaking of Sushi, do you know that Wegman's at Fairfax hold a Sushi Fest several times a year? There will be one next weekend. They...

Sushi and Beyond
I recently found an interesting cartoon that my students will enjoy. This is based on the bestselling book "Sushi and Beyond." The...