はにゅう ゆずる or ゆづる?
Since he won the Olympic gold medal for men's figure skating last week, Yuzuru Hanyu's name has been a hot topic in the Japanese media. I...
NHK News Easy
NHK News Easy is a great site for improving your reading skill. It is written in plain Japanese with furigana. If you add the link below...

This is the Japanese TV show which title says "Why did you come to Japan?" The TV crew interviews foreigners at International Airport in...

Sasuga Kids Class Open House
Thank you for attending our first Kids Class Open House!We enjoyed meeting you all and having the opportunity to share the class...

Happy New Year!
あけましておめでとうございます。ことしも どうぞ よろしくおねがい もうしあげます。 We are looking forward to make even more new friends through Japanese Language this year!

Fuller House in Japan
The new episodes of Fuller House season3 released on this Christmas. I have been waiting for this day to come for long and I was very...

Seven Samurais
Look how modern days Samurais fight their battle in the world. They are so cool!
Foreign Minister of Japan tweeted about appointment of Hello Kitty and Pikachu as ambassador.
Foreign Minister Kono of Japan appointed Hello Kitty and Pikachu as ambassador to promote the city of Osaka for the 2025 EXPO host city....

Animal Crossing Pocket Camp is now available!
Animal Crossing lovers! It is finally here. I mean to your mobile. This game is not only for kids. My daughter loved it when she was 10...
Japanese Train Leaves 20 Seconds Early. Cue the Abject Apologies.
Here is a good example of preciseness-matters Japanese culture. The article of New York Times on Nov. 16th.