ちび ー シマフクロウの親善大使
The Goodwill Ambassador Chibi, Blakiston's fish owl, the largest owl species in the world. " Chibi " ( means little one ) is a ...

8月20日、利き酒会 をしました! Sasuga Japanese Academy has held KIKIZAKE-KAI日本酒マリアージュ: Nihonshu Mariage,which is the paring of sake and food. on...
I found this Japanese show which introduces easy English in comical way to Japanese viewer. I thought my students also might be able to...

あけまして おめでとうございます。 今年も たのしく日本語の おべんきょうを いっしょにがんばりましょう! 今年のえとは いのしし(boar)です。まっすぐターゲットにむかって はしっていくイメージです。 Sasuga Academy Staff

Happy Holidays!
Even though the Christian population is very small in the country, Japanese people have enjoyed celebrating Christmas since western...
サラリーマン川柳 (Salaryman Senryu)
The Salaryman Senryu contest started in 1987 by The DAI-ICHI Life insurance company. The contest is held annually. The top 100 for this...

Thank You For Coming to Our Meet-up Event!
Thank you all for coming to our first meet-up event. It was so nice to meet everyone. While all the dishes were great, the winner goes...

Kids がんばりました!
Sasuga Kids Class Winter Term has successfuly came to an end. All the kids worked hard and laughed a lot! It has been such a pleasure...
Sailor Moon lovers! This is for you.
Was Sailor Moon your idol when you were a little child? Do you still love to see them? Here is your chance. PRETTY GUARDIAN SAILOR MOON:...